What is the AMAS test?

"The second leading cause of death, cancer kills more than half a million people annually, while the cancer drug industry rakes in $100 billion each year while simultaneously causing more cancer. However, this wouldn’t be the case if the cancer treatment industry was more interested in curing and preventing cancer than it is in simply just treating it. The good news is that there are alternatives for preventing and curing cancer, although information on this can be difficult to access, as it’s routinely suppressed by the medical establishment and their paid-for media, who’s not interested in providing “care” unless it’s profitable or generates repeat business. One of the greatest tools in beating cancer is early detection, and no, this does not mean you should include radiological imaging as part of your annual checkup, as that can cause more cancer. However, a little known test called the AMAS test, or the Anti-Malignan Antibody Serum test, is incredibly bene...