Researchers demonstrate teleportation using on-demand photons from quantum dots

On-demand photon source and quantum teleportation setup. (A) The radiative recombination of XX-X states provides two photons entangled in polarization if the energetic splitting of the X state, the fine structure splitting (FSS), is sufficiently low. The on-demand generation occurs via a resonant laser tuned to half the energy of the XX state. EB indicates the XX binding energy. (B) Population of the XX state as a function of the pulse area. The experimental data (circles) are modeled as an exponentially damped sine-squared function (purple curve) to determine the depicted preparation fidelity. (C) The autocorrelation measurements for the XX and X transition of a representative QD. (D) The experimental setup for quantum teleportation. A pulsed laser [titanium sapphire (TiSa)] is used to excite two times the QD, which then emits an early pair (PE) and a late pair (PL) of entangled photons separated by Δt in time. The XX and X photons are then spectrally separated by a filter (F). The...