
Προβολή αναρτήσεων από Δεκέμβριος, 2019

Glutamine Metabolism in Cancer Treatment

 Glutamine Metabolism in Cancer Treatment Glucose and the amino acid glutamine are the two most important nutrients used by cancer cells for their proliferation and growth. While the glycolonic pathway produces ATP and metabolic intermediates, the metabolism of glutamine can provide amino acids, nucleic acids and glutathione necessary for cell proliferation. Among the various characteristics of cancer, metabolic transformation plays a key role in adapting cancer cells in a changing environment. Cancer cells carry ontigenic mutations, leading to an increase in nutrient uptake and altering their metabolism to support anabolic processes for cell growth and proliferation.

Scientists have discovered a way to destroy cancer tumors using nothing but sound waves

 Scientists have discovered a way to destroy cancer tumors using nothing but sound waves A recent breakthrough in high-intensity focused ultrasound therapy (HIFU) technology has proven its use as an effective cancer treatment. A multi-institutional research team from China developed a semi-enclosed, spherical cavity transducer that can produce a focused, standing-wave field with a subwavelength-scale focal region and extremely high ultrasound intensity.  The spherical cavity transducer appeared to generate tighter focal regions and greater pressure amplitude compared with the traditional concave spherical transducer. Researchers said the level of intensity generated by the new transducer design may lead to significant improvements in HIFU therapy. The findings were published in the Journal of Applied Physics.

Mεταβολισμος Λιπιδίων σε Μεταστάσεις

   Mεταβολισμος Λιπιδίων σε Μεταστάσεις Τα καρκινικά κύτταρα συχνά εμφανίζουν ριζικά μεταβλητό κυτταρικό μεταβολισμό, ο οποίος παρέχει τη βιοχημική θεμελίωση και συμβάλλει άμεσα στην ογκογένεση και τη κακοήθεια. Η επανασύνδεση των μεταβολικών προγραμμάτων, όπως η αερόβια γλυκόλυση και ο αυξημένος μεταβολισμός της γλουταμίνης, είναι κρίσιμα για την αποβολή των καρκινικών κυττάρων από τον πρωτογενή όγκο, για την υπέρβαση του θρεπτικού και ενεργειακού ελλείμματος και τελικά για την επιβίωση και τη δημιουργία μεταστάσεων. 

Immunodiagnosis and Immunotherapy: A new Era in Cancer with 25 monoclonal antibodies

 Immunodiagnosis and Immunotherapy: A new Era in Cancer with 25 monoclonal antibodies The PCS (Pioneer Centrury Science) conference based on China, organized a fantastic conference for cancer with the title: Stimulating Innovation to improve Quality of Life, which was held in Athens, Greece at November 15-16th. The president of the conference was Professor Dr. Chiming Wei, MD, PhD., assistant professor at May Clinic, USA, and director of Nanomedicin research Lab in John Hopkins University  School of Medicine.

Artificial cells act more like the real thing

 Artificial cells act more like the real thing Protocells -- artificial cells -- that are active and mimic living cells by moving independently and that are biocompatible and enzymatically active are now possible using an improved method developed by Penn State researchers. Living cells are difficult to grow in the laboratory, so researchers sometimes work with synthetic cells, but these have had research limitations because they lack real cell characteristics. "One of the challenges of cell research is it's sometimes very hard to run controlled experiments on a?cell's motility, especially due to surface enzyme activity," said Darrell Velegol, distinguished professor of chemical engineering. "The research team developed a simple way to make an artificial cell that doesn't do everything a regular cell does, like reproduce, have genetic mutations or anything like that, but it actively moves. That's important because how cells move is poorly un...